
For our story we planned out the scenes for the animation;

1. Inside of petshop

2. open sign on the door gets turned to “closed” (Human hand)

3. Animals leaving their habitats: hedgehog, owl, fish and giraffe panel each

3.1 . Hedgehog picks lock with spike then rolls down the ramp

3.2 . Owl flies down from the tree

3.3 . Fish jumps out of aquarium into robot suit

3.4 . Giraffe comes out of tiny box

4. All animals gather in the middle of the pet shop on the stage

5. Animals reveal instruments under boxes

6. Title appears “animusicians”

7. The animals play their instruments

we then decided what scenes would would storyboard and animated, i decided to do scenes 3.1, 3.3, 4, 5 and 6.

(character art for the hedgehog, owl and giraffe  is by Zienab Abdullah)

SB3-1 SB3-3 SB4 SB5 SB6

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