
Story telling;

In my opinion the story, although unfinished, is clear and coherent, it shows several animals escaping their habitats and wandering off, the other scenes would of showed the animals meeting up on stage, getting their instruments and playing a song. If I could redo the project I would plan more time to rig the characters, for example I would rig the walk sequences for the characters so the fish would of walked all the way off screen instead of half way.



I believe that I need to improve the fish jumping and hedgehog rolling scenes, due to the size of the fish it can be hard to first notice the movements and when the hedgehog rolls down the ramp it is difficult to see that he is rolling. However I believe that the rest of the hedgehog’s scenes were animated well, for example the arm movements are smooth and the anticipation for the jump appears realistic.


Time management;

I would rate my time management a 7/10 because of rushing a few scenes and little time to make the soundtrack, but mostly because I was unable to put the animation together until the last day. Next time I would improve my time management by planning longer time sooner for complicated parts and scenes I don’t feel too confident with and save the shorter/easier parts for later, I would also check each scene for any flaws after I think I completed it just in case I notice a mistake later on with little time left. Next time I could use the calendar on my phone to remind me what I should have done by now and when I should of started the next part.



I believe that I communicated well with my team, we were able to discuss what we wanted done and how to do it, we were also able to talk to each other to solve problems that occurred during our project, however I think I it would have been best to improve our communication at the start of our project, because of this lack of communication at the start we each used different aspect ratios for our own scenes during the animation. The benefits of team work in my opinion is that with a team and communication it is easier the review your work and ask for opinions/improvements as well as more ideas for problem solving if anything bad happens, also being a part of a team can make work easier by dividing the work between the group members. Some of the difficulties of working as a team is that a bit of miscommunication can cause problems and you need to plan time to check how every one is doing with their work, furthermore if someone is behind it can cause some delays with the project and possibly other members of the group.



The software I used to make the background and my characters (fish and hedgehog) was Photoshop, I then imported them into adobe flash, I created the soundtrack in GarageBand, and finally I put all the parts together in Premier Pro. From this project I have learned about several problems that can happen with a little bit of bad planning however I have also learnt how to fix and prevent these problems, next time I would like to improve on creating soundtracks and use different/multiple software.



Although I got no written feedback on my animation I got verbal feedback form friends and relatives, they said they liked the movements and that they were smooth/realistic however many of them mistook the fish for a bird, a reason for this can be that the fish was too small to notice it was a goldfish and that the scene didn’t last as long as the others, another comment that my friends made was the sounds used for the animation were catchy and they thought that the sounds suited the target audience especially the scene where the hedgehog rolls down the ramp with the xylophone sounds.

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