
I first stared with listing different obstacles for my character that it could interact with, I then sketched some concepts of the ideas.

sketch1 sketch2


After I then refined and expanded on my ideas and rough concepts.



After I sketch in detail the final backgrounds on record cards, I first started with the back layer for the backgrounds then the foreground that my character would interact with. For most of the concepts I kept as black and white pencil drawings but on others I added colour. Due to the size of the record cards and how many rings were needed for the maze I decided it would be more efficient to refine it on photoshop later on.

bg background bouncing balls cutscene1 cutscene2 cutscene4 log roll moving platforms treadmillconcepts-2


I then scanned what I believed to be my best backgrounds into photoshop and added colour and texture/detail, and then put the background parts together.

maze bouncing balls treadmill moving platforms cut out cutscene1 log roll back up cutscene2falling  cutscene4end


The backgrounds will be printed in A3, when I animated the background will be place flat on a hard surface, such as a table, and my character will be place/moved onto of the paper.


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