

For my stop motion I had to generate ideas on what to do but I had some restrictions, as a class we could of worked alone or in a group but each person was allowed only one character, I decided to work alone and begun to note down ideas on what I could do, I have crossed out some ideas as  it would of required multiple characters. for ideas we were given 6 categories; character, story, environment, audio, software/equipment and materials.

For character some ideas that I thought of were robot, egg and Homesick grub, two other ideas I thought of would of required multiple characters for the story to make sense, these were characters from two video games that are Chuzzle and

For story I thought of the character being lost, lonely, missing parts of itself and going through trials (obstacles), another idea that I thought of was animating a game of but that would of required multiple characters.

For environment I thought of having the setting as a college, park or in a underground cave.

For audio I thought what I could use such as music, instrumental or sound effects.

For software/equipment i thought of what I could need such as camera, Photoshop, Adobe Flash, After Effects and Premier Pro.

And finally for materials I thought about what I could use to make my character and backgrounds, this included plasticine, cardboard, fur, photos, plastic pipes, wooden blocks, polymer and I also thought of using a 3D printer to make parts of the environment.

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