various notes


After I made the background on record cards I decided to make some notes  about my backgrounds and animation.

the page reads as; “The scenes from the previous page I will develop onto record cards, and then add colour and piece together with the background texture.”

“due to its difficultly I will design and develop the maze digitally and upload to my blog.”

“The order of the scenes can change, however the;

1st scene must be the maze,

2nd scene must be cutscene 1,

3rd scene must be moving platforms,

4th scene must be cutscene 2,

And the last 3 must be Logroll followed by cutscene 3 and then cutscene 4.

The remaining scenes, treadmill and bouncing balls, can go in any order but must have cutscene 2 after each of them”

“The music I will use will be either or a combination of;

  • Volatile Reaction – from
  • Black Vortex –
  • Mechanolith –
  • in a heart beat –
  • Harmfull or Fatal –

All of the music I’ve chosen is royalty free.”

“Furthermore I plan to 3D print the legroom scene.”

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