client meetings

For my FMP I had to work with a client and would have meetings, we decided to have a meeting at the end of each week, here are the notes from those meetings;

Meting 1- (evolution) My client suggested that I start with what would be most difficult to animate, 3D, and work towards what would be easier to animate, zoetrope, this was done so that any problems I got were either difficult problems at the start of the project that I would have time to fix or minor problems that would be easy to fix during the simpler parts of my project. After I presented my work and we discussed what I have done that week, which was character designs for 2D and claymation. Next I was told to work on my storyboards and develop my characters for other parts of the animation, which were 3D and zoetrope.

Meeting 2- (evolution) I presented that weeks work and was told to create an animatic for my animation, planning out how each short animation would be, if I did not do this this it would be difficult later on to work to a story/actions/camera movements that I have not properly planned out.

Meeting 3- I talked about the complications of the evolution theme, software not working and tutors couldn’t help/fix the problems, these problems included the Adobe Flash tools refusing to work so the workspace stayed blank, also after a few minutes Flash quit unexpectedly, furthermore when trying to produce rough character re-designs in Maya I was unable to manipulate the faces and vertices of the basic polygons, also we talked about that the evolution theme would be too difficult to produce in the remaining weeks. After the discussion we deiced to with to my time theme, I was then told to make storyboards for my new theme and work towards 20 seconds of animation so that I would not be too far behind on my schedule.

Meeting 4- We talked about how my work was progressing for the past week and that I have done 7 seconds of animation, this included the final backgrounds, that have been completed, with my single main character, and that I still need to add 2 minor characters which are just arms, legs and a torso.

Meeting 5- all backgrounds/environments have been done but going to improve some backgrounds by adding some in-between frames to help the movements/transitions work/flow better and add a border to emphasise that the scenes are memories, currently making more assets (backgrounds and characters) in photoshop and then import them into PremierPro to be animated.

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