the bomb project

For this project we were set the task of producing a 10 second animation in 3-4 days for a new unit called the bomb project, on the day we started the project we were given the theme of ‘love is a verb’ and  told that we can work individually or in a group of up to 3 people, a majority of students had no restrictions on what they can produce the animation with, I decided to produce mine in PhotoShop, After Effects and PremierPro, while other produced theirs in 3D software or even hand drawn flipbooks, however some people were set the task of producing it in a certain medium to improve a previous unit.

For my animation I planned to have a cat hunting for food for its kitten out of love, and the mother cat would encounter a bird protecting her chicks out of her love for them.

I enjoyed this project because it tested me with the little time to work before the deadline , also with a recommendation from a friend I learned how to create more realistic blood effect.