Category Archives: collaborative project

General children’s cartoon research

magic school bus


The magic school bus uses a variety of characters that appeal to people in different ways, for example the new kid at school. The animation was based on the original children story, although fewer characters are used, and is highly educational, that focused on science, while trying to be entertaining to keep the children’s attention.

Due to the concerns brought forward by parents and teachers, the original target was girls and minority audiences, for example African-American and Irish-American. Furthermore due to the concerns the produces have used a diverse set of characters that range from different races and genders.

Not only does the magic school bus teach children about science it also promotes pro-social behaviour, for example at the start of a episode (the magic school bus takes a dive) one of the characters does not want to work as a pair but throughout the episode she learns that working together and being considerate is better in the end.

The magic school bus is a 2D animation that uses basic colours with little shading and realistic/minimal movement, the animation includes a background track and occasional cartoony sound effects but no narration.




Hey Duggee


Hey Duggee has a variety of characters that each represent many different types of children, for example hyperactive children. It teaches kids to be responsible, working as a team and taking appropriate risks. The target audience is 2-5 year olds. Hey Duggee uses basic colours and shapes, the animation also shows different types of families, for example the crocodile has a different parent animal unlike the other children, and take different types of transportation, such as cycling and public transport.